The Gift of a Pet

Before Abigail could speak, she told us through her actions that she loved animals and all living creatures. She communicated delight with squeals of joy upon encountering a frog in a pond, hushed silence while witnessing a butterfly gracefully alight upon a flower. When she was still a baby, she would nuzzle her golden curls against a cat’s furry face.

Over the years, my numerous reasons for not getting her a pet really came down to one thing: I had several little people to care for and I didn’t want the added responsibility of a pet as well.

I held my ground for seven years before Abbey broke through. Once again, it was with nonverbal communication. She didn’t beg us for a pet. She simply showed us again and again that caring for animals is something she was created to do.

I feel I’m on holy ground when I watch her intact with the natural world because I know this is how God created my daughter – to delight in his creatures. The bottom line is, when the child you love is passionate about something, this sparks your own passion too.

I noticed over the years how she would play with our friends’ pets like they were her own or shake with joy when she caught frogs, tadpoles, worms, and bugs. But bunnies – bunnies have always been her favorite animal.

When Abbey was three and her younger brother was born, she was displaced from her role as “baby” – a harder transition than any of us expected. During that bumpy season, I read a book called “Bunny My Honey” to her every night. It is a story about a little bunny who is loved and cherished by his mom but gets lost in the forest. He is terrified until he hears his mom’s voice saying “Bunny, my honey!” “Mommy!” the little bunny replies.

Each night as we relived this cheerful reunion, we embraced our roles gladly – her, the little lost bunny trying to find her place and me, her mommy, seeking her out. To this day, we still call each other “my bunny” as a title of affection.

Last spring my husband and I decided it was time to test whether she was ready for the responsibility of caring for her own bunny. We told her that if she could exhibit care for herself and her room for thirty days straight, we would get her a bunny. What this included: brushing her hair and teeth each day without our reminders, picking out and changing her clothes each day, and keeping her room clean.

We told her, “If you can care for yourself and your space properly and consistently, we know that you are ready to also be entrusted with something else to care for.” Well, she was motivated. Her sister created a chart for her and she marked each day off her calendar with the tasks completed.

The thirty days had to be re-started a few times, but finally the time came when she had been faithful with her tasks for thirty days straight.

When we finally picked up Fuzzy Midnight Thomas, Abbey was ready!

Fuzzy has now been part of our family for two months and I have already witnessed many ways God has used him in our lives:

To bring joy – in a world that seems unsettled right now, this little animal is a daily reminder of God’s beauty in his creation. Fuzzy’s gentle demeanor and soft nuzzles have filled our hearts with joy.

To teach responsibility and care-taking – I do not feed Fuzzy, change his litter, clean his cage, or make sure he has outdoor time. Like any human, at times Abbey needs reminders, but she has grown tremendously in responsibility and care-taking through owning Fuzzy.

To bring comfort – any time anyone (yes, me included) is having a hard day or a sad moment, all it takes is a little snuggle time with Fuzzy to cheer us up. Sometimes Abbey will say, “No one is a better friend than Fuzzy.” George Eliot would agree: “Animals are such agreeable friends they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.”

In the faithful, gentle, unconditional love of a pet we glimpse the nature of Christ’s love for us: A love that remains steadfast through adversity, always eager to receive us with an affectionate embrace.

  • Suzanne Earley
    Posted at 22:34h, 01 February Reply

    Yes, dear daughter, a wonderful pet is a blessing. ❤️❤️😻

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