A Letter to My Oldest Daughter on Turning 12

My Dearest Grace,

Today you turned 12 and we took a walk just the two of us through the mountain trail that leads from our family cabin in the woods of Cashiers, NC to a little stream with a waterfall I used to go to as a young girl. You threw your penny in, grinning, and when I asked you what you wished for it was something for someone else. I looked over at you and captured the moment in my mind of your smiling face, hovering above the water, the light shining through your hair.

That small action of selflessness flowed as naturally from you as the water down the falls that carried your penny. And as we continued our walk I thought of all the moments that have led you to where you are today, to the young woman you are becoming.

We sat beside the coffee shop today, lingering in silence while we watched leaves of gold, crimson, and auburn fall from the trees and blanket the ground with beauty. Some of these trees rained down seeds that will bear new trees one day, but the ground has to be ready to receive them.

My daughter, you are fertile ground. When I look over the landscape of your life these last 12 years I see thousands of moments where, by God’s grace, your heart opened up to receive the seeds of God’s truth, love, and beauty and held them fast.

Now I am only one of many who is tasting the fruit that is coming forth from your life with great delight. And all this fruit, all this beauty that I see in you and through you – all of it is just as your name – All is grace.

Here are my admonitions to you, dear Grace, as you climb the mountain of twelve towards your teenage years:

Keep a Humble, Teachable Heart – Even though you are “adult height” and wearing the same size shoes as me these days, your greatest growing years are yet to come. Stay low. Stay teachable. Stay open every day to how God wants to stretch you and develop your character.

One of my greatest memories of you is when you got a trophy for the swim team season last year and when I wanted to take your picture, you hesitated. You didn’t want the attention on yourself. You are a fabulous swimmer and we celebrate your successes! But as your parents, your father and I delight even more in your humble heart.

Keep Leading – you smile when you talk about how younger children in the neighborhood follow you, calling them “my little friends.” I love how you value younger children (especially your siblings) and genuinely care for them. You care about the example you are setting for them. Keep leading by example, my daughter. Keep loving well your “little friends” and peers alike.

Keep Teaching – I’m amazed at your ability to draw your siblings in and teach them things. Especially in teaching Joseph this year with his kindergarten work you are a loving and fun teacher. Keep sharing the things you learn with others. We all grow from your knowledge and experiences.

Keep Smiling and Giving Thanks – Your smile is beautiful – let it shine! I know this year has been challenging with COVID-19 and there have been days that it has been harder to have a thankful heart. Look for the good gifts God is giving you every day and choose (whether you feel like it or not) to give thanks. Your heart will thrive when you take your eyes off your circumstances and place them on Jesus.

I am so proud to be your mom. I can’t wait to see all that God has in store for you in the years ahead. The best is yet to come.

All my love and gratitude,


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