Five Ways to Fight the Winter Blues

The last few weeks have found me fighting the “winter blues.” Coming off of the high of the Christmas season + getting back into a homeschool routine + some really cold, dark days have left me feeling more melancholy than usual.

One day in particular, it was a negative degree wind chill and we had to go to our co-op downtown. I told the kids to “turn around and walk backwards” down the D.C. alley (which had turned into a wind tunnel) to avoid wind burn, which still made my pre-schooler cry.

Winter can be a challenging season for moms (especially with young kids at home). After chatting with some friends and doing some research online, I’ve crowd sourced five ways to combat the winter blues:

Exercise! – we all know that regularly physical exercise does wonders to give you a mood boost and reduce stress. In the winter, though, it can often be hard to find the motivation to exercise. Consider investing in some cold weather running gear if you like to run outside or joining a local gym or group class to keep you motivated and also provide you with some encouragement to keep it up.

Get Outdoors! – I was chatting with one of my friends this week who used to live next door to a family from Norway. They would tell my friend, “There is no such thing as bad weather – only bad clothing.” This idea spurred me on to re-consider what weather I will choose to go outside in (and take my kids out in). The key is being dressed appropriately for the weather, of course, so when you’re getting cabin fever, bundle up and get some fresh air!

Do Something You Love – What hobbies or activities invigorate you? In the dark days of winter, maybe taking a trip to a local museum or art show would serve up some fresh inspiration. Maybe spending a day skiing would lift your spirits. Perhaps it’s as simple as a trip to the library to find some great books to curl up with a cup of tea and enjoy. Fight the doldrums with a life-giving activity.

Get More Sleep – I read a quote this week that said something to this effect – “In winter, all of creation is quiet, resting, and sleeping – maybe we should too?” Obviously, humans still have to work. We can’t just hibernate through winter. However, getting a good night’s sleep will definitely serve to keep us energized and maintain a better mood during the day. Try turning off your phones and television at a certain time every night so that you can prioritize sleep.

Spend Time with Friends – When you’re battling the blues, it’s great to spend time around people who are a source of joy, fun, and encouragement to you. After your kids are in bed, sneak over to a friends house or meet up for some company. Choose to say no to isolation and embrace community.

What are some ways that you stay sane and joyful during the winter months? Please share in the comments below so we can all benefit from each other’s ideas!

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