Comments on: I Will Not Teach My Children To Live In Fear Missionary Mama Homeschool Blog Tue, 02 Aug 2016 21:10:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Monique Noble Tue, 02 Aug 2016 21:10:06 +0000 wonderful,,,

By: Molly Huggins Mon, 01 Aug 2016 21:29:35 +0000 In reply to Homeschool on the Croft.

Yes! Always by grace to do this life unafraid. Thanks for reading my words here.

By: Homeschool on the Croft Mon, 01 Aug 2016 21:06:49 +0000 Excellent perspective! It is by God’s sovereign grace that our family is still ‘intact’, and not because of me, and with this in mind, whilst always being mindful of our duty not to break the 6th commandment by putting ourselves in danger, I have allowed our kids to run, jump, play, and be out of my sight for hours on end (we lived where that was feasible). My father in law was killed in a car accident on a ‘normal’ Saturday afternoon drive. My uncle died when the house porch fell on him. Neither were doing anything out of the ordinary, but these incidents do not lead me to live in fear, but to say, ‘It was the Lord’s time’.
Things like terrorist attacks are discussed in our home too … not in a fearful way – except that sin *is* fearful – but because it’s good to know what sinful mankind does, to pray for those affected, and to leave our own lives in His sovereign Hands.
Thank you so much for this post.
