Comments on: On Grace and Guilt Missionary Mama Homeschool Blog Thu, 25 Jan 2018 03:13:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nancy Norris Thu, 25 Jan 2018 03:13:44 +0000 Molly, I am so proud of you. I have just found the time to start following your blog, which I have found now are more than one, which is awesome. Girl, I have raised my children, you were there for a lot of the middle of that. Thank you by the way for all you did for all of my children just by being you darling. You are an awesome mother, wife and friend. You will look back on this time 20 years from now and wonder how you did it. I do, My baby is 18 and going off to college soon. I have had custody of my two nephews and my niece (11, 13, and 16) for over two years now. It’s tougher raising someone else’s children, but I can’t remember how in the world I did it with my 4 kids and my husband deployed. How did I manage to have them everywhere they were supposed to be, mostly on time? How did I have one in dance, one in band and baseball, another playing softball and the other soccer, I coached the softball team and was my son’s cub scout master. People say Super Mom, WHATEVER!?! It’s called Mom, plain and simple. I have had to look my children in the eye and tell them “I am Sorry” more than I want to admittedly count. I have made so many mistakes with my kids it’s not even funny, but now they are all grown up and either married and having babies of their own or setting out on a journey of life as a young adult. All I can say is that I did ok. They are Wonderful, Loving Human beings. They are all GREAT parents, except the baby, she had better wait several more years before being a mommy, LOL. They are just really good people, Not perfect by any stretch, you know that. But I am proud of them all. God has revealed so much to me over the past few years. He is an Awesome and Loving God that puts the right people in the right places for us and fulfill his plans that he has for us. I am so thankful that he placed you in my path of life. Love ya, Nancy
