20 Oct Knowing Your Name ~ A Story for Your Seventh Birthday
My Dear Chesed,
Naming. It has been happening since the beginning of creation. God gave Adam the responsibility and honor of naming first the animals and then his own wife!
Every two seconds in the world, a new child is born and given a name. Someone (usually the child’s parents) says words like, “We will call her Julie Rose.” Or “We will call him David Owen.“
In their first few years, each child will learn that special name they have been given. They know when they are being spoken to or called. And then that big moment comes when they learn to write their own name for the first time.
I remember the first time you wrote your name. You were so proud and wanted to show your Daddy as soon as he got home. “Look at that!,” he said. “Chesed knows her name!”
And you did! And today I want to share with you a little bit more about your beautiful name and why we chose it just for you.
Your Name is Chesed
My darling girl, today you turn seven years old. And I spent some time reflecting today on the months that I carried you in my womb. They were months full of eager anticipation, waiting, and planning. And naming.
There was never any question from the beginning. We knew you were Chesed. How did we know? First, as you have heard, we met a girl when we were visiting Israel many years ago whose name is Chesed. It was the first time we had heard this name.
For some reason, your father and I just loved this name the moment we heard it. A little research led to a lot of research until we realized that the meaning of your name, my girl, is a multi-layered wonder.
As one scholar of biblical interpretation noted, “Biblical scholars have often complained that the word חֶסֶד (Chesed) in the Hebrew Bible is difficult to translate into English, because it really has no precise equivalent in our language. English versions usually try to represent it with such words as “loving-kindness,” “mercy,” “steadfast love,” and sometimes “loyalty,” but the full meaning of the word cannot be conveyed without an explanation.“
The explanation for your name is centered around God’s faithfulness. It is a word that describes His steadfast, covenantal love throughout history towards His people in spite of their waywardness and sin.
It is a God-centered, God-glorifying, never-breaking, undying, always and forever love. This is your name. A name that’s “full meaning cannot be conveyed without an explanation.” Your very name invites an explanation of the love of your God and the passion of your Savior.
Your name is just one of the many ways that God has fused your story into His story. You already have a story to tell, Chesed. And through the years, that story will grow.
My loving charge to you is this:
Tell your story. And by doing so, you will tell His story, too.
He Knows Your Name
One day during my pregnancy with you, I sat on a plane flying to see loved ones. I remember it well. I rubbed my belly, looked out the window, and prayed for you. I prayed for who God was forming you, right at that moment in my womb, to be.
I had not yet met you as my dimpled baby, happy toddler, or the smiling seven year old girl who stands before me now with her two front teeth missing. And yet, through prayer, our Lord gave me glimpses of who you are and I prayed them out through a poem on that plane.
One line came after another until something of my own “motherly blessing” emerged on the pages.
Today I dug through my old files, read the words, and cried. I cried because I didn’t know you yet when I wrote the words, but God did. He knew everything about you.
It is my prayer that these words from your Mommy to you before you were born would strengthen your spirit and bear you up on days when the world seems lonely or your faith seems small.
My dear Chesed, God knows your name. He knows all about you – your highs and lows, your likes and dislikes, your rising and your lying down. He loves you completely and without condition. He has graciously pulled you into His loving presence and He has promised to never let you go.
I love you with all my heart,
P.S. Here’s your poem:
Chesed’s Promise
A merciful soul, Tender and kind,
In truth so bold, Yet gentle defined.
A world to explore – Fascinated by life –
Peacemaker with earth- Avoidant of strife.
She has set her gaze- On the highest of hills –
Yet relaxed in her pace – She pauses at will.
Each moment a pleasure- Her joy undeterred-
She treads on high places, Yet her sight is on earth.
With a heart of compassion, She cares for the least-
Her cheerful disposition – Is a continual feast.
And when sorrow threatens- She casts all her cares –
To walk free with Jesus – Of His mercies aware.
My sweet baby girl, You are God’s loving gift,
Your life bears His promise – From His hand you won’t slip.
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