Being Built up by Biographies, Quotes, and Remembrance

As I was reading “The Pastor’s Wife” by Sabina Wurmbrand recently, I realized it had been awhile since I had read an autobiography or biography (except reading them to my kids). Too long. For many years I have been endeared to biographies and for whatever reason hadn’t thought about picking one up to read in my personal reading time recently.

Oh, how they can touch the soul! “The Pastor’s Wife” began in “1944, when Hitler’s Germany began to collapse” and a million Soviet troops came into Romania where Sabina lived with her husband Richard and son Mihai. She shared her story and part of her husband’s story as Jewish Christians living behind the Iron Curtain as they sought to love and share Christ with people including Nazis, the Soviets whose rule followed Hitler’s in Romania, and fellow prisoners when they were both in prison. As I read through Sabina’s book I underlined treasures I want to come back to:

“I used to rage and strike out, until I learned what it really means to love. That is to be one who can sacrifice self for truth. Since then, my hands do not clench into fists.”

“Sometimes the stones of remembrance which we took from the valley of suffering were beautiful.”

“Even when such unspeakable hatred existed, reconciliation was still possible. There is a huge power in the Word of God.”

“‘You will never be happy until you look on your brother with love.'”

“Let us sing to the Lord and thank him for the greater possessions we have in heaven.”

My favorite: “I resolved to give love and expect nothing in return.” I  could spend my life seeking to learn and be committed to love like this.

And then I follow people on Instagram whose words breed life. Here is part of an entry by @gracelaced on July 2nd: “Been thinking about what a difference it would make if we trusted the Lord to work out our inner (and outward) battles — to care more about being known by Him than being misunderstood by others.”

And then two days ago, @sally.clarkson put up this personal quote: “Real love says ‘No matter what, I will be loyal to you, I will commit to loving you, not with just feelings, but with my heart, and actions because God loved me that way.”

Wow, such inspiration and encouragement. I see these words as helping build me up in who I strive to be in Christ. As I say yes and act, his grace flows through me for these works of love that are impossible outside of his empowerment through the Holy Spirit.


Remembrance – Power to Sustain the Soul


As humans it is so easy to get discouraged and lose sight of what direction we are heading – we need daily encouragement! We need vision, the ability to see beyond the hear and now. Reading God’s Word and spending time with the Lord are so valuable to abide in His presence. The lives and words of others can also help so much as we think about them.

So what are practical ways to fed and filled by the wisdom and experience of others?


Sources for Inspiration


There are so many resources! In this information age being intentional and focusing on valuable sources is beneficial.

On Instagram or other websites you could look up some of these names (just a place to start). Or read books about or by them.

John Piper (Desiring God)                        Corrie ten Boom

C.S Lewis                                                      Dr. Caroline Leaf

Jim Eliot                                                       Elisabeth Elliot

Voice of the Martyrs                                   Ann Voskamp

George Mueller                                           Greta Eskridge


Recording Inspiration


And there are a variety of ways to record your quotes.

  • make a commonplace book – a journal dedicated to your favorite quotes, poems, etc. Here’s a how to by Sarah McKenzie at Read aloud Revival.
  • my favorite is to put them in my journal – I like my thoughts, prayers, others quotes, and sermon notes all mixed together as they reflect where my heart is/was when I recorded something.
  • print them out (or paint them if you have that talent) and put in a frame
  • write them on the bathroom mirror


Hopefully this will get you started.

I would love to hear people or quotes that have inspire you!

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