Over the last year I purchased a rather large world map. When I was trying to decide the best place to put it for homeschooling, the wall by our kitchen table seemed best. In my mind this place was not visually ideal, but the location has been a blessing! Since the...

OK, so before I get into this post I should tell you that I STILL have to force my kids to eat their vegetables sometimes. sigh. Its frustrating. I have tried pretty hard to land on the healthy side of eating. I would say on...

Have you ever felt the urge to lock yourself in your room with a box of Oreos, never to emerge again? Has the sheer noise and chaos of your home caused you to want to spend 5 extra minutes alone in the bathroom, just to...

Over the past two years, we have made a commitment to redeem the way this family shops. Some one-a person, or many persons-have produced or picked the goods we consume. Persons bearing the imago Dei-dignified, beautiful, and complex. As Christians, I believe we have a Biblical mandate...

Inspire (v) - fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. Watching the Summer Olympics is a truly inspiring activity for families around the world right now. Our usually non-tv watching family has intentionally plugged in for...

A few weeks ago, in the middle of our family trip to the lake, I accidentally sent my phone swimming. You would think I dropped it in the lake, right? Nope, I sent my phone swimming in my beach bag, after failing to properly close...

These are hard times. We have major trials in our country and around the world. And each of us personally have trials in our hearts and families. I think of how Jesus said do not be troubled.    "Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently]...

We live in ever shifting times in the world and as of late, I’ve been seeing a lot of “gloom and doom” posts. Although I understand how things can appear to be getting worse around us, I like to step back and look at things...

"Perhaps it is impossible for a person who does no good not to do harm." - Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin This year I read a book that had a stronger emotional and spiritual impact on me than virtually any other book I have read...